At the Shindagha Majlis in Dubai on Friday, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, welcomed academics, guests of President Sheikh Khalifa, judges, and supreme committee members of the Dubai International Holy Quran Award. Sheikh Mohammed welcomed the visitors and exchanged Ramadan greetings with them in the presence of Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed, Chairman of the Dubai Sports Council.
Sheikh Mohammed stated that the UAE continues to practice moderation and tolerance, as well as promote compassion and peace in the globe, under the leadership of President Sheikh Khalifa. He then congratulated Sheikh Ibrahim bin Al Akhdar bin Ali Al Qayyim, the recipient of the Islamic Personality Award, as well as the top ten winners of the 25th edition of the Dubai International Holy Quran Award, and wished them well in their future endeavors.