The CEO of Pfizer says people will likely need a third dose of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine within a year of being fully vaccinated.

“The likely scenario is there be a likely need for a third dose, somewhere between six and 12 months,” Albert Bourla said.

“And from there, there will be an annual vaccination. But all of that needs to be confirmed. And again, the variants will play a key role.”

The second Pfizer Vaccine is rolled out at Castle Hill Medical Centre, Sydney.
People may need a third Pfizer jab after being fully vaccinated, the CEO of the company has said. (Edwina Pickles)

The revelations could throw Australia’s plans for the Pfizer jab into disarray, with only 40 million doses secured.

About 1.3 million Australians have so far been vaccine with the AstraZeneca jab, supplies of which remain low as the European Union interferes with exports.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the likelihood still needed to be “confirmed”. (Today)

A link between her death and the vaccination has not been confirmed, and it is not known which vaccine she received, but very rare blood clotting reactions been linked to the AstraZeneca jab, with Denmark and South Africa halting their rollouts completely.

Vials of the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty vaccine.
Australia has secured 40 million doses of the vaccine (Getty)

Health authorities in Australia have emphasised that the vaccine is safe for people over 50, with adverse reactions adding up to just four in a million.

Pfizer is expected to be used for the majority of Australians under the age of 50.

This content first appear on 9news

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