Leave a Nest

As the issues the world is facing — and the innovation and technology required to address them — get more and more complex, the key may be in turning to tried and tested methods that drive, sustain, and accelerate innovation: research. Specifically, the process and power of scientific research that applies systematic methods to analyse and interpret data to come up with conclusions and solutions.

Solving complex problems often requires coming up with solutions made up of equally complex parts, research allows for us to take into account solutions coming from different sources and various disciplines. With this more holistic approach, we can cast our eye beyond the immediate future and see what the world would look like a century from now.

The Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Singapore 2022 (HIC Singapore 2022) aims to address issues faced by Singapore and its neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia. It seeks to envision a future beyond achieving a mature economy, centred around the theme of “What will Home Sapiens be in 100 years.”

The world beyond mature economies

HIC Singapore 2022

HIC Singapore 2022 looks into a future beyond achieving mature economies and aims to accelerate “knowledge manufacturing” across disciplines. to come up with project designs that could potentially solve deep issues in Southeast Asia and the world. The goal is to create new value and jumpstart innovation across various sectors through the power of scientific research.

The programme is premised on defining what that future will be by discussing three key topics: diving into growth beyond mature economies, designing the future of food, and exploring the merits of Singapore being a global testbed for healthtech development.

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The first session on “the future of a mature economy” explores the challenges and issues of a mature economy and discusses what needs to be addressed to move forward. It features panellists from various sectors as they navigate their roles and capabilities in designing that future.

From global industry leader OMRON, we get a hint of how vision-driven companies can successfully grow and maintain businesses, backed by years of experienced global company growth. With research and innovation institute EcoLab, we explore how accelerating the implementation of deep tech as a service can bring effective solutions to society’s issues. And from Latheacond Technologies, we garner insights on how they are trying to innovate the business of one of the most massive, far-reaching, and oldest industries — supply chain with the help of scientific advancement.

Thriving for a century and more

When we talk about the future, we are talking about survival. And for humans, there are two major factors to survival: food and healthcare.

Food insecurity is a global problem and something that should be addressed if we want to move forward and survive as a species. The second session on defining the food culture will take a look at the current challenges we are facing in our food systems from production, distribution, and management.

Moreover, we will take a look at what food looks like in the future. What could potentially be the trends when it comes to nutrition? What are the expectations from various sectors when it comes to designing food and the systems that produce and distribute them?

The third session on healthcare specifically takes a look at Singapore as a global testbed for healthcare innovation. With a diverse population made up of a wide range of ages and races, Singapore also requires a wide range of healthcare technology that innovators can use as a springboard for their new healthcare technology.

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The session features a panel of experts from different sectors to discuss the various opportunities to collaborate on creating new businesses based on innovative new healthcare technologies not just in Singapore but beyond.

Apart from the panel, this session also includes TECH SPLASH, a fast-paced presentation from three startups/researchers to showcase the technologies they have developed, The aim of TECH SPLASH is to provide an avenue for research ideas and collaborations to happen between the presenters and viewers in an intensified atmosphere.

The fourth session will take a look at how the use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics can be a sustainable solution for non-food packaging in Singapore. With a panel featuring leading experts on recycling and sustainability from multinational corporations and the government, this session will explore successful case studies and discuss the key role of responsible plastic use and recycling to create a circular economy.

Designing solutions for a better future

Interdisciplinary collaborations can be the key to solving many of the world’s complex issues. By gathering together stakeholders from academia, corporates, tech startup ecosystem, and government, the HIC Singapore 2022 is facilitating an environment that allows innovators from various disciplines to gain fresh ideas, begin collaborations, and come up with new solutions they otherwise would not have had they been siloed in their own sectors.

Also read: Meet the 26 innovators pitching on JETRO x Techstars pitch day

Through the panel sessions and startups showcases, discover how the world would look like 100 years from now, learn about solutions being developed to the challenges we are facing, and explore opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations.

Join the virtual conference on 26 February 2022 and be part of a community designing solutions for a better future. The HIC Singapore 2022 is free to join for students, academia, and startups.

Sign up here.

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Image credit: alphaspirit

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This article is produced by the e27 team, sponsored by Leave a Nest

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