As of 6 March 2021, at least 22 million adults had received one dose of a Covid vaccine, with 1.2 million of those fully vaccinated with two shots.

In England, anybody aged 56 and over can book an appointment to get the Covid-19 vaccine in the UK. You are also able to book an appointment in England if:

  • You are at high risk from coronavirus (clinically extremely vulnerable).

  • You are an eligible frontline health or social care worker.

  • You have a condition that puts you at higher risk (clinically vulnerable).

  • You have a learning disability.

  • You are a main carer for someone at high risk from coronavirus.

In Scotland, everyone over 65 can book a vaccination, along with those in a similar list of priorities.

You can find the latest information on the vaccination programme for each of the UK’s nations on these websites:

In January, the government’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation published a list of groups of to be prioritised to receive a vaccine for Covid-19 in the UK. The document said it placed “a high priority on promoting rapid, high levels of vaccine uptake among vulnerable persons”.

The first groups prioritised for vaccination against the coronavirus were:

1. Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers.

2. All those aged 80 and over and frontline health and social care workers.

3. All those aged 75 and over.

4. All those aged 70 and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals.

5. All those aged 65 and over.

6. All individuals aged 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality.

7. All those aged 60 and over.

8. All those aged 55 and over.

9. All those aged 50 and over.

Once all the top nine priority groups have been offered at least one jab, it will then be given out to the rest of the adult population according to their age group. The age ranges expected to be invited for vaccination from around mid-April are:

1. All those aged 40-49.

2. All those aged 30-39.

3. All those aged 18-29.

Some have argued that people in vulnerable professions or from ethnicities facing a disproportionate effect from the virus should be given priority; however, the government said that to collect and act on that data would take longer than simply using existing NHS data on age and prioritising distribution in that way.

  • Due to the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is being regularly updated to ensure that it reflects the current situation as best as possible. The most recent update will have been made at the date shown at the top of the article. Any significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will continue to be footnoted below in line with Guardian editorial policy.

This content first appear on the guardian

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